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SSH without passwords - generating keys

To login into the system without a password request you need to add remote machine public RSA key into the target machine ~/.ssh/authorized_keys Public key location: ~/.ssh/ This is really useful for remote script execution under the requested credentials.

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Active Directory recovery story

Active Directory recovery story


Every good administrator has a recovery plan. Every good windows AD administrator have got a valid backup of active directory database (backup made not later then your AD tombstone lifetime

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Remove Offline DC from Active directory

This article describes the procedure of removing failed not restorable DC controller from the forest.
You should use this procedure ONLY if you are sure that you are deleting a DC that will never be available again.

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Creating a simple shaping router using OpenBSD and PF

Creating a simple shaping router using OpenBSD and PF


So to start with, lets complete a simple and straight-forward OpenBSD install:

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Create software RAID1 volume with FreeBSD

Create mirror volume using standart FreeBSD 5.4 and later tools (gmirror).


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