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How to install fsprotect on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid)

Some intro about fsprotect:
set of scripts to transparently mount a RAM fs over the readonly root file system to protect the flash storage. (the idea is not to write anything to the flash disk while system is running, this utility protects your system from fs corruption after unexpected power downs.)

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Добавление статического маршрута в VMWare ESXi сервер.

Трюк с использованием "unsupported" команд, для добавления статического маршрута.

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How to add a static route to VMWare ESXi server

ESX console "unsupported" trick to add static route to a ESXi host.

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Password reset for Summit from Extreme networks

Reset procedure was checked on the following hardware: Summit24e3, Summit5i, Alpine series, might work on other Summit like switches from extreme.

Password reset procedure:

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Сброс пароля на коммутаторе Summit от Extremenetworks.

Способ опробован на следующих коммутаторах:
Summit24e3, Summit5i, Alpine series возможно будет работать и на других схожих продуктах этой компании.



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